
All children must be pre-registered with the daycare center and have emergency and immunization information on file prior to the first day of attendance.  The emergency information form is available to download for completion.  Please bring it with you to the Parent Interview. 

Registration fee is $25.00 per student enrolled per year.  Full-time enrollment is 4 or 5 days a week.  Walk-ins are available with prior arrangement only.  Parents are required to sign a Parent Contract specifying the number of days and corresponding rate.  Contracts are for one (1) year.  Parent/guardians may request one contract change per year based on employment/schedule changes.

Parent/guardian shall present immunization records for each child enrolled.  In the absence of such records, the parents must provide up-to-date immunization record completed by the child’s licensed health care provider within thirty (30) days.

Tuition is due on Mondays before 6:00pm.  A $10 late fee will be assessed for each day payment is late.

Parents who use an agency (i.e. Child Care Resource Center) to support payments and are assessed a daily fee, must pay that fee bi-weekly by Friday of the week care is provided.  All supported daycare recipients are expected to attend at least 13 days per month. 
